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Welcome to the British Columbia Archives' Vital Events Indexes page, which contains summary information on historical births, deaths and marriages that were submitted to Vital Statistics Registrars and registered by the Chief Executive Officer.

This information resource was developed in cooperation with the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency and the assistance of several genealogical societies. Additional resources of interest to genealogists are listed on the main Genealogy page. There are also additional on-line indexes that have been added over time:

This on-line information resource allows researchers to:

To view or access the actual registration records, researchers may do one of the following:

If you require additional assistance:

Searching the On-Line Vital Event Indexes

The British Columbia Vital Event indexes contain index information to historical birth, marriage, and death registrations for British Columbia, but not the actual registrations, and are being made available for the purposes of research. See Also: Updates and New Releases to On-line Indexes.

Search using any of the following:

If you cannot locate a registration for an event which you are certain occurred in British Columbia within the years of the index, try another search using less specific criteria (e.g. try the partial match function on a surname). Each event database is supplemented with a help file containing specific instructions and hints for searching.

Registration Records

The British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency is responsible for the registration of births, marriages, and deaths in British Columbia. These registrations began in 1872 after British Columbia became a province of Canada, but do include some events which took place prior to 1872 but were registered later. Birth, marriage, and death registrations contain valuable information for research in genealogy, family history, social history, sociology, and demography.

The information recorded on registration documents has varied over the years. Historical marriage registrations may show the age and birth place of the bride and groom, information about their parents, the occupation of the bride and groom, and the signatures of the couple and the witnesses. Historical death registrations may contain the decedent's occupation and medical information relating to the cause of death.

Microfilm Copies

Copies of original registration documents are available on microfilm at various locations throughout the province and the world.  The British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency maintains a list of agencies holding microfilm copies which may be accessed by the public (these agencies include public libraries, genealogical societies, and university and community college libraries). Microfilm copies of registrations may also be viewed through local Family History Centres of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Partial or complete sets of microfilm may be purchased from the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency.  Address inquiries to HLTH.VSGene@gems3.gov.bc.ca.

In Victoria, users of the BC Archives may view microfilm copies of registrations in the reference room. Users may make self-serve copies of registrations for a reproduction fee. Please consult a reference archivist about printing copies from microfilm.

Digital Images

Vital Event registration records are available in digital image format through VitalChek. This service is completely independent of and not accredited by the BC Archives. See the Vital Event Image Gateway FAQ for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vital Event Records

Questions About Searching The Indexes

Questions About The Records

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Government of British Columbia
Inquiries: Inquiries related to archival holdings, specific records, access, research, or reproduction orders may be submitted via electronic form or Email, as well as by mail or fax.
Home Page: http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca This Page: http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/textual/governmt/vstats/v_events.htm
Last Modified: Thursday, 25-May-2006 14:31:21 PDT Maintained by: webmaster@www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca
Copyright: Information on this site is provided for research purposes only. Please review Access and Usage.  Unless indicated otherwise, this page and all contents are Copyright ©, BC Archives, Royal BC Museum.
Records Classification: This site is classified and scheduled under ORCS 15100-25